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Sourcing its water from the old mineral water spring where it gets its name – “Staro” meaning old and “pramen” meaning spring in Czech – Staropramen stands a class apart right from the beginning. With their vast collection ranging from dark beers to unfiltered beers and even including non-alcoholic options, the Czech superstar Staropramen is sure to impress both newbies and seasoned drinkers. It is one of those brands that once you get started with, you are definitely going to be hooked on.

If you are new to Staropramen and would just like to tip your toes into these waters, it is best you start with their flagship beer, Staropramen “ležák” or premium beer lager. It has a natural and gentle bite, perfect to ease you into stronger varieties. Staropramen pours neatly into a pint glass with over a half-inch of the beautiful head. It starts off with the most comfortably sweet notes and malty undertones, while then giving way to the less subtle hoppy overtones. Its Saaz hops are one of its distinguishing features, giving it a royal feel. A pint glass of Staropramen stands as a tower of bright but mild gold, reminiscent of the Moravian barley that went into the fermentation process. And its rich and creamy mouthfeel is sure to soothe the tastebuds.

Staropramen starts from spring water and ferments both wheat and barley in its beer-making process. The Wheat beers especially come laden with notes of coriander to give them that oomph, while other varieties may even include essences of apples.

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